Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to hire a foreign domestic helper?

All Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents, and expatriates who have valid work permits are eligible to hire a foreign domestic helper.

Why should I engage a maid agency?

Maid agencies are better for offering you thorough and professional assistance when hiring your maid. At Jory Employment – Singapore’s best maid agency typically handles the hassles of applying for a work permit, posting a security bond, purchasing insurance, arranging travel, obtaining immigration clearance, getting medically screened, etc. on your behalf. To learn more about their rates and service offerings, you must go through the service page

Which nationalities are your FDW from?

Jory Employment sources helpers from various regions to suit your household needs and requirements. Presently, our candidates are from Filipino, Myanmar, and Indonesia.

What are the medical checks necessary for the maid?

A licensed Singaporean practitioner must conduct a medical examination on your helper within two weeks of their arrival to confirm that they are healthy enough to perform their duties. After that, the domestic helper must undergo six-monthly medical exams and screenings for HIV, VDRL, and pregnancy.

Can I interview the maids whom I am interested in?

Generally, all of our maids are experienced, certified, and background-checked. If you want to interview foreign domestic workers in whom you are interested, you can.  This is a good opportunity for you to actually conduct a near-face-to-face interview and to feel comfortable with the foreign domestic worker.

My Helper is sick, who should pay for her medical expenses?

You are liable for the upkeep and wellbeing of your employee in your ability as an employer. You are responsible for paying for all of her medical expenses, including her stay in the hospital. You can also ask us about the insurance policy you bought and whether the costs of the hospital stay will be covered.

What If I Am Not Happy With The Services Provided By Maid?

In this case, you can directly let us know as soon as possible by email. We’ll investigate our options for improving the situation.

Will I need to provide my help with a contract of employment?

Yes, giving every employee an employment contract is required by law. A draught contract that you can customize will be given to you once a placement has been agreed upon.

What are the duties your made can perform?
  • Basic cleaning
  • Vacuuming
  • Mopping
  • Sweeping
  • Polishing
  • Laundry
  • Meal and drink service
  • Clearing away

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